Yogi Kamal Singh offers 200 hour Ashtanga yoga teacher training course to practicing yogis who are new or beginners in the Ashtanga method. If you are practicing Hatha, Vinyasa, Iyanger or any other methods of yoga and want to learn Ashtanga yoga primary series asanas and sequences in a good environment from well experienced teachers – this is the program you are looking for. Our 200 hour New to Ashtanga yoga teacher training course is challenging in terms of asanas and life changing in terms of the thorough knowledge of Pranayama, Yoga Nidra and meditation, alignment and adjustment, and the Kriyas it puts into the practitioner. This program is for you if you want to develop a strong foundation on Ashtanga yoga practice learning the tools and gradually equipping yourself with all the resources to become professional yoga instructor.
Yogi Kamal Singh is training individuals with basic knowledge of yoga but completely new to Ashtanga method to become a knowledgeable practitioner. Participants of this program get guided teaching from the experts in pranayama (breathing technology), yoga nidra and other dhyana (yogic sleep/ awakened sleep plus other types of meditations), shatkarma (yogic cleansing parts by parts of the whole body), yoga asanas (yogic postures); learn alignment and adjustment; sit on philosophical lectures and study the philosophical texts to develop a firm personal practice which gradually will lead them to become an experienced yoga instructor.
The location of the course will be in Rishikesh. Each student will have a separate room (with attached toilet). Delicious homemade food is provided and WiFi is available both at home and in the classroom. Students will get the chance to live with an Indian family and enjoy Indian food.You will be informed a minimum of one month before the course begins to confirm its location.